Some members support the Friends group simply by paying annual dues, while others become more involved in programs and activities. The choice is yours. The Friends meet five times a year, in January, March, May, August and October on the last Wednesday of the month at 5:00pm in the library's Malone Meeting Room. All members and prospective members are invited to attend.
The Friends of the Victor Farmington Library is an organization of people who are interested in supporting and volunteering at the library is a structured way. Since 1990, the Friends have sponsored programs and activities and have thus enhanced awareness of the library's services. The organization was a huge part of the success in the building of the new library.
We invite you to be part of a group that has helped the library provide...
- Children's Summer Reading Programs
- Annual Spring and Fall Used Book Sales
- Book Discussion Groups
- Informative programs
- Books and equipment for the library
- Publicity for Library events
- Increased service through volunteer help
- Special events and celebrations
- Annual Dollars for Scholars Scholarships
The annual cost of a membership is:
- Individual $5.00
- Family $10.00
- Patron $25.00
- Sponsor $50.00
- Benefactor $100.00
Your membership is tax deductible. Thank you for your support!